(940) 382-5532
Roselawn Holiday Hours (Office Only):
Christmas: Closed 12/24,/12/25,/12/26
New Years: Closed 12/31, 1/1
We hope you have a blessed holiday season.
Roselawn Memorial Park
Q. Do I purchase the property?
A. No, you are purchasing the right to be interred in the property.
Q. Do I own the niche in the columbarium?
A. No, you are purchasing the right to have ashes placed in the niche.
Q. Is an outside container required for regular burial?
A. Yes, the minimum requirement is a Concrete Box.
Q. Can I place a bench on my grave spaces?
A. No, benches can only be placed in neutral areas or around trees. Benches may be purchased through the cemetery. The cemetery owns the property the bench is placed on, and placement of a bench has to be approved by the Roselawn office.
Q. May I place shrubs, trees, statuary, etc. on my spaces?
A. No, the cemetery has specific rules and regulations regarding this and many other situations. Please review our rules and regulations. This document will also be given to the purchaser of interment rights at the time of purchase.
Q. May I use an outside vendor for the purchase of my marker?
A. Yes, but markers must meet the guidelines set forth in the cemetery rules and regulations. The Roselawn office must approve the design/type of marker being ordered and a setting fee is incurred for anything not purchased through Roselawn. (Any marker purchased for the Garden of the Generations must be purchased through Roselawn)
Q. Are ashes allowed to be scattered in the cemetery?
A. No, ashes may be placed in a niche or interred in a burial space.
Q. May I visit the cemetery day or night?
A. The cemetery gates will remain open 7 days a week, dawn to dusk. The dawn to dusk hours are reflective of the time of year.
Q. May I place flowers on my loved ones’ grave?
A. Of course, but there are rules for the placement of flowers. Please refer to the published rules and regulations.